Establishing FATAL SHARIA LAW in Sri Lanka - ශාරියා නීතිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් යෝධ පිම්මක්

 අපගෙ අතාවුද සෙනෙවිරත්න අමාත්ය වරයා විසින් රුපියල් මිලියන 38 අනුමත කරන ලද්දේ, 58 වූ මුස්ලිම් නීති ශාලා රට පුරා ඉදිකිරීමටය. මෙය මුස්ලිම් වරුන්ට තමාගේ සිහිනයක් වන ශාරියා නීතිය අපගේ රටේ ස්ථාපිත කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් යෝධ පිම්මකි.

The Sharia Law is based upon dualistic ethics. As you will see below in the actual laws, kafirs are abused, poorly treated and can be killed in jihad. Women are second class citizens. Slavery is a well regulated business. Punishments-stoning, amputation, lashings, and retaliation are part of Sharia, as well.

Follow: to understand what this law is.

ෂාරියා නීතිය තුල පහත දෙය අඩන්ගු වේ.
1. ජිහාඩය හෙවත් මුස්ලිම් නොවන්නන් ක්‍රමානුකූලව මර්ධනය කිරීම. විනාශ කිරීම.බදු පැනවීම.
2. ඳඩුවම් ලෙස, බෙල්ල තෙක් වලලා මැරෙන තුරු ගල් ගැසීම. අත් පා කපා ඉවත් කිරීම, ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ කස පහර ගැසීම, පලි ගැනීමේ ක්‍රම, ගෞරවය වෙනුවෙන් ස්ත්‍රීන් ඝාතනය, ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ උල තැබීම, ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ වරදකරුගෙ බෙල්ල ඉතා සෙමින් වෙන් වෙන තෙක් කපා දැමීම, ක්‍රේන් වැනි උපකරණ භාවිතයෙන් ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ එල්ලා මැරීම, සියල්ල රැස් වී ඇති තැන බිම හොවා හිසට වෙඩි තබා වරදකරු ඝාතනය යන මේවා ස්වල්පයක් පමණි.

This is how our ministers help Muslims to invade the Justice system of the country. This is going to be a corner stone for Muslims to establish Sharia Law in Sri Lanka.

Original article:

58 Quadi Court Houses To Be Constructed

By Abdul H. Azeez

M.S Anwer
Fifty eight Quadi courts are to be constructed under a construction programme of the Ministry of Justice.
Quadis are Islamic judges who administer justice in Muslim dominated areas. In Sri Lanka they mostly do work relating to marriage law among Muslims.
Quadis generally hold court at their homes but the Ministry of Justice recently pointed out that this could undermine the impartiality of the judiciary. Subsequently Minister Athauda Seneviratne approved the construction of 58 separate buildings for the Quadis in their respective areas at a total cost of Rs. 38 million.
The number of Quadi courts increased by eight recently due to capacity issues in certain areas. As such new Quadis have been appointed in areas like Beruwala, Sammanthurai, Puttalam, Kinniya and Biyagaha. Quadis are a part of an islandwide association that is under the purview of the Ministry of Justice.
Speaking to The Sunday Leader the Quadi for the area of Beruwala, M.S Anwer said that ‘the primary duties of Quadis in Sri Lanka lie in executing the law coming under the Marriage Registration Ordinance. ‘We engage in marriage, divorce and post-divorce settlement issues. We are appointed solely to service Muslim people and as such can only deal with cases concerning the marital affairs of Muslims and no one else.’
Anwer went onto add that Quadi appointees are usually nominated with the consensus of the community and consist of eminent personalities recognised for their goodwill and knowledge of the laws of Sharia (Islamic jurisprudence). He added that they are paid a nominal salary of Rs. 6000 a month. ‘We have the power of judges when it comes to the area in our purview. Each Quadi appoints an advisory board consisting of community leaders, usually including the chief imam of the local mosque, to assist him in his duties’. In his 11 months of being a Quadi he has handled approximately 75 cases of marriage related issues.
The Sri Lanka Organization of Quadis is currently headed by Quadi Yehiya, who has 32 years of experience as a Quadi, and is based in Ratnapura. Anwer added that his court is currently held at his business office or at a local school. He is in the process of seeking out a plot of land to start construction work on his courthouse.
The Quadi system serves the unique purpose of administering the marriage laws of Islam which are different in certain aspects to the general marriage laws of Sri Lanka. The system also helps poor Muslims avoid the legal costs associated with divorce and settlement cases. Anwer is a retired government servant and has been a school principle for eight years; however most Quadis in Sri Lanka are moulavis or Islamic scholars. He added that he constantly consults his advisory board on case related issues.
Quadis have been around for as long as there have been Muslims in Sri Lanka. In 1344 the island was visited by Ibn Battuta, the world famous traveler. Battuta, a Quadi himself, enjoyed local hospitality in exchange for his invaluable services as an Islamic jurist in the areas he visited. He was reportedly treated with great hospitality by the then Sri Lankan King Vijaya Bahu and he even paid a visit to Adam’s Peak. Upon leaving the shores of Sri Lanka, Battuta’s boat was sunk in a storm and the boat that rescued him was in turn attacked by pirates stranding him on the island. The King again offered his hospitality to Battuta until he saw him aboard another ship that took him back to the Maldives. From there he set off to China.

More articles: Sinhala: ඉස්ලාම් නීති හා උසාවි ලංකාවට


  1. The island should have one set of laws and one constitution and one state. If not, the plural society will splinter and divide. That is what happened in the North. When the British left, they warned about unfair protestations by Tamils and Muslims against anything done to protect the dominant culture of the country. I refer to the Soulbury Commission. We have gone very far in splitting the country. it is accelerating because of the greed of the powerful and the wealth of the Tamil Diaspora and Muslim merchant class and friendly Muslim states. The main threat is coming from Provincial Councils. They are simply mini assemblies training thugs to become national representatives. Soon they will ask for treatment as independent states. Trincomalee is especially vulnerable.

    We should not allow the country go back to primitive laws of the 7th century. Already there is imbalance between men and women introduced through Christian ethics. Before that there was no difference between men and women. Muslim laws dehumanize women -- our mothers and sisters!

    The constitution and the laws should reflect the dominant culture of the island, which is the Sinhala culture with Buddhist ethics of tolerance. It should not allow group discrimination against Tamils or Muslims, but at the same time it should uphold the human rights of individuals. We should have only ONE, OPEN judicial system to provide protection to all individuals. Groups come after satisfying that requirement.

  2. රජය මුස්ලිම් උසාවි පිහුටුවිම්ට යාමෙන් සිදුවන්නෙ මුස්ලිම් නීති පිලිගෙනිමකි. අධිකරන අමෑති මුස්ලිම් උසාවි ගෑන
    සඳහන් කරන නමුත් මුස්ලිම්වෑරුනගේ නිති ගෑන කිසිවක් කියන්නෙන් නෑත. අපි දන්නා තරමට ශාරියා නීතිය හරිම භයානකය. ලංකාව වැනි බෞද්ධ රටකට කොහත්ම ගෑලපෙන්නෙ නෑත.

    බෞද්ධ ඡන්ද ලබාගන පර්ලිමෙන්තුවට ගිය දේශපාලුවෝ සිංහල ජාතිය පාවා දුන්න පලමු අවස්ථාව මෙය නොවේ.

    - කමල්

  3. mokada me athauda hu*** karanne. muta oluwa honda nathi wegena enawada. mun hambaingen chande ganna po*** pa*** unge guda margayath lewakai. kerima keri hutt*** thamai oka

  4. තොපිට හොද වැඩේ සි0හල බෞද්ධ බල්ලො. තොපිට නිකන් ජාතික ආලය, දේශානුරාගය එක එකාට කඩේ යද්දි විතරයි.
    තොපි තවම දන්නෙ නෑ මුස්ලින් එවුන් තොපේ රට අල්ලගන්න කොච්චර ලගද කියල.
    තොපේ මහ එකා උන්ගෙ සල්ලිවලට ඕනෙම දෙයක් දෙන්න ලෑස්තියි, ඌට ඕනෙ සල්ලි විතරයි, ඔය සි0හල බෞද්ධ කතා ඌට චන්ද ගන්නකන් විතරයි.
    තොපි සින්හල ජරාජාතිය නැතිවෙන්න තව වැඩි කාලයක් නැහැ.
    එතකොට තොපි ඔක්කොගෙම පයියෙ කොන කපල පුක උඩ දාගෙන අල්ලා අල්ලා කියයි යස අගේට. අර මාලදිවයිනේ වගේ අපේ රටෙත් මුහුද වටේට පන්සල්වල කොත් දකින්න ලැබෙයි මුහුදු වතුර අඩුවෙනකොට.

    මහින්ද රාජපක්ශට ජය වේවා. බෞද්ධ ආගම, සි0හල ජාතිය නතිවේවා..

  5. People are not much aware about this, so need more awareness on this type of blunders. need to give publicity through print media, TV etc. we have to defeat such efforts of the government collectively.


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